1 (450) 378-4474

Contact us

Feel free to contact us for any inquiries, technical assistance, or to discuss your welding equipment needs. Our professional team is here to help and provide you with the information you need.

Open from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Lieu461 rue Robinson Sud, Granby (Québec) J2G 7N3
Téléphone(450) 378-4474
Téléphone Sans-Frais1 (800) 538-4474 (Toll free)
Télécopieur(450) 378-8001
Robert Dumaine
Robert DumainePresident
Stéphane Dumaine
Stéphane DumaineVice-President and General Director
Diane Fontaine
Diane FontaineFinancial Controller, HR Director
Suzanne Dumaine
Suzanne DumaineSecretary-Treasurer
Marc Guertin
Marc GuertinOperations Director
Christopher Bienvenu
Christopher BienvenuSales Director
Patrick Lapointe
Patrick LapointeAdvisor and Assistant Sales Director
Alain Lachance
Alain LachanceStore Manager-Director
Martin Lemay
Martin LemayTechnical Advisor
Sylvain Gariépy
Sylvain GariépyTechnical Advisor
Mario Brodeur
Mario BrodeurAdvisor and Accounts Receivable Manager
Gilles Wilcott
Gilles WilcottReception
Sylvie Hains
Sylvie HainsAccounting Assistant and Accounts Receivable Department
Danielle Delisle
Danielle DelisleAdministrative Assistant - Billing / Cylinder Control
Nicole Young
Nicole YoungAccounting Assistant - Accounts Payable
Carole Brien
Carole BrienReceptionist, Archivist
Ethel Côté
Ethel CôtéAccounting and Billing Assistant - Accounts Receivable
Véronique Picard
Véronique PicardHR Consultant, Payroll Management
Denis Girardin
Denis GirardinDelivery Driver
Paul André Fortin
Paul André FortinDelivery Driver
Jocelyn Gagné
Jocelyn GagnéDelivery Driver
InhalothérapeuteMedical Section - Sleep Solution

Oxygène Granby © All rights reserved 2023

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